Deploying multimodal passenger mobility in a trusted, federated and interoperable way

Country Lead
The Netherlands
Smart Mobility
The Challenge
In 2016 GDPR was made obligatory for all digital interactions, yet the way in which we organise identification and authorisation management (IAM) in mobility and ticketing is far from compliant. By placing the individual at the center of the IAM, caters to GDPR by default. With the individual as the pivotal point of interest for all transport services as its payment for those services, all providers can align their IT and business processes. The scale and harmonisation of such developments via a simple change in point of view, will relieve authorities and operators from vendor/technology lock-in and guarantee the passenger a seamless, multimodal, and cross-border experience.
The added bonus is that all stakeholders, independent from one another or any third party, can access the required information for their operations or policy-making objectives. Transparency is delivered through open source building blocks and control through secure exchanges.
The Solution
Instead of building a platform as a solution for fare management, ticketing, or MaaS, builds forth on the decentralised Web 3.0 approach featured in the International Data Spaces – Reference Architecture Model (IDS-RAM). The extra layer of personal identification and authorisation management is provided by NFTs, the only way in which privacy can be safeguarded properly. This layer sits on top of the iSHARE trust framework for B2B and B2G data exchange, a program that was delivered by the Dutch Ministry and is now being rolled out with EU funding to cater to trusted exchange in a myriad of domains. In combination with National Access Points and European standards of information exchange (NeTEx/SIRI and Datex II), the use of interoperable trip data is harmonised over the EU continent. The high level interoperability allows for reuse in analysis tools, administration tools, and alignment of IT and business strategies.
Business Projections – Scalability
Thanks to the EU funding in the iSHARE roll-out, will organise a demonstration or Laboratory set-up, which they will use to ensure GDPR compliance, to inform tech specialists on its workings for review, improvement, and implementations and to give authorities and operators detailed insights on the working, which may lead to additional governance tools, such as license agreements or policy measures. After further alignment with the developments in payment and multimodal travel goals by the EU, it grew out to be a vital missing link guaranteeing GDPR and responsible digital interactions. is working with the Commission on evangelising the approach, enhancing digital awareness, as well as the ease of use of public transport and shared mobility for a more sustainable future. Working with UITP, STA, POLIS, and EMTA on the seamless experience and responsible answer to ticketing. Seeing the benefits for a human-centric approach in other domains as well, is already testing in the areas of Human Resources (temp agencies) and Healthcare.