Tools, media and best practices
Find out here our projects outcomes and documentations.

Tools, media and best practices
Find out here our projects outcomes and documentations.
data sharing playbook
data sharing playbook
The i4Trust Data Sharing Playbook has been created by i4Trust with the aim of supporting European Companies and Digital Innovation Hubs DIHs to overcome the main difficulties and challenges in setting up a data space use case.
In this playbook, you will find all the training materials, technical documentation, and repositories related with the i4Trust Building Blocks as well as a step-by-step guideline to build B2B Data Sharing use cases.
press area
press area
The i4Trust Press Area is not just a newsroom. It’s a regularly updated online area with information that supplements the journalist’s story and enhances the understanding of the i4Trust brand.
Press Release – December 15, 2020
Press Release – May 12, 2021
communication materials
communication materials
Gain access to the latest communication materials to print or read at your leisure. We offer domain-focused materials as well as information on trending topics.

brand identity
brand identity
For information related to i4Trust brand, colours, versions, uses – and possible misuses that must be avoided – please download the Visual Identity Manual.
Below, you can download all the i4Trust logos in different versions, colours and layouts, differentiating also printed and online uses.