Unlocking Opportunities from Contract Manufacturing Data

Country Lead
Smart Manufacturing
The Challenge
Manufacturing Challenge #1: The manufacturing challenge will focus on the secure sharing of process control data simulating the data flow between a contract manufacturing company and the sponsor pharmaceutical company. In this challenge the data will be generated by UNI and consumed by ING.
Maintenance Contract Challenge #2: The NEXA challenge will focus on the secure, permissioned sharing of maintenance data between the data generator NEXA) and the contract company (UNI). Computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) data will be generated and verified by NEXA and is consumed by both the equipment manufacturer (UNI) and the sponsor company (ING). For the context of this experiment, we focus on a maintenance service provider which can be interchangeable with a number of different service provider types who provide to the wider biotech industry such as logistics, calibration service providers, etc.
Location Challenge #3: The Plant Quest challenge will focus on the secure, permissioned sharing of plant location data between the data generator Plant Quest and the maintenance contractor (Nexa). Geo-location data will be generated and verified by PQ and consumed by the maintenance contractor NEXA.
ServBlock Challenge #4: The Servblock challenge will focus on publishing a commercial offering to the i4Trust marketplace. Manufacturing companies will share relevant quality and environmental manufacturing data via the dataspace allowing ServBlocks technology to calculate a dynamic score for adherence to best practice, regulatory and environmental guidelines. This offering will allow manufacturing organisations to share validated ESG and Quality Compliance credentials backed up by real-world data with potential customers, investors, and partners.
The Solution
By utilizing the ManuSpace dataspace, manufacturers can not only reduce the cost to the patient but more importantly reduce the time it takes to get these life-saving medicines to the people that need them. Through interoperable data sharing, we can ensure that contract manufacturing capacity is maximized. In turn, ManuSpace can help alleviate drug shortage problems for some of the most vulnerable in society.
Business rojections – Scalability
The Global Biologics contract manufacturing market was valued at USD 9.93 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 18.63 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 10.87% during the forecast period (2021-2026).
Contract Manufacturing companies will share relevant quality and environmental manufacturing data via the dataspace allowing ServBlocks published service to the marketplace to calculate a dynamic score for adherence to best practice, regulatory and environmental guidelines. This offering will allow manufacturing organisations to share validated credentials for both ESG and Quality compliance with potential customers, investors, and partners.