Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to the top FAQ and to topics that matter to you when it comes to data spaces for trusted data sharing.
What building blocks are proposed within the i4Trust initiative for the creation of Data Spaces?
Within the i4Trust initiative, FIWARE and iSHARE building blocks are combined to lay down the foundation for creating data spaces:
- The FIWARE Context Broker technology, implementing the standard NGSI-LD API and used in combination with standard data models, bring support to effective data exchange among parties.
- FIWARE Data Publication and Marketplace components, based on relevant global industrial recommendations and data catalog (DCAT) standards, bring support to data publication and trading, including the monetization of data.
- The iSHARE schema brings the foundation for trustworthy exchange among parties based on well-established security standards and robust legal frameworks.
Altogether, these building blocks support trusted and effective data sharing by organizations.
Are i4Trust building blocks already available or do they need to be developed? Are they available as open source?
FIWARE and iSHARE building blocks selected for the creation of Data Spaces are well mature and have been proven in real systems available in the market, although so far separately. The i4Trust initiative brings them together for the first time to accelerate creation of Data Spaces.
Integration of existing FIWARE and iSHARE building blocks is under way and expected to be completed during 1Q2021. It will be accompanied with all the documentation and community support required to build Data Spaces.
An open source implementation of technology components will be made available as part of the FIWARE Catalogue.
What is the connection between i4Trust and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program of the European Commission?
The mentioned compatibility is achieved thanks to the fact that FIWARE Context Broker technology maps to the CEF Context Broker Building Block. Additionally, the iSHARE scheme is also compatible with eIDAS, the CEF Building Block that electronically identifies users from all across Europe.
This will facilitate the integration with other CEF Building Blocks, such as the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI), in a later phase, enabling trusted digital audit trails, automated compliance checks and data integrity proofs.
How much funding will i4Trust mobilize for experiments? When will the first i4Trust experiments be selected?
Up to 3,2 Million euro will be devoted to fund 32 experiments, involving at least 150 SMEs and 32 DIHs, using the framework proposed within the i4Trust initiative. This amount of funding will be distributed along two Open Calls the first of which is planned to be launched in 2021.
I work for a Digital Innovation Hub in Europe. How can we get involved?
Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe are invited to become part of the i4Trust Community, this way bringing support to SMEs in their regions when creating innovative services around new data value chains using i4Trust Data Spaces.
If you want to learn more, please contact us.
How does i4Trust relate to IDS technology defined by the International Data Space Association (IDSA)?
On the other hand, experiments have proven that early implementations of the IDS Connector, core element in the IDS Reference Architecture Model (IDS RAM), can be used in combination with FIWARE Security Building blocks to implement sovereignty on data and, together with FIWARE Context Broker and Data Marketplace technologies, lay down the foundation for the creation of Data Spaces aligned with the IDS RAM.
Ultimately, building blocks implementing data sovereignty in i4Trust may evolve enabling integration of products that comply with elements of the IDS RAM, as they become mature.
i4Trust will incubate projects in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will have the opportunity to use technology and tools from the iSHARE scheme that gives them the ability to exercise sovereignty over their data. This will pave the way for achieving compliance with the IDS reference architecture in the future with regards to data sovereignty support.
How does i4Trust relate to the GAIA-X initiative?
GAIA-X is aimed at creating a federated form of data infrastructure in Europe which strengthens the ability to both access and share data securely and confidently.
The i4Trust initiative is bringing today mature technologies, compatible with CEF Building Blocks, that may accelerate the delivery of Data Spaces in the market. i4Trust partners believe that compatibility of GAIA-X with CEF would be highly desirable and offer to contribute to the definition of the GAIA-X architecture in order to warrant this compatibility.